September 12, 2013

Everyone is always searching for the easy button, yet when it’s shown to us, we often view it and say, “there has to be more to it that that”. Ignoring ways to make positive changes to our businesses because they’re not sexy or the latest shiny new toy, is practically asking for the “Closed” sign to be put up. Remember the Pareto Principle; 80 percent of your results will come from 20 percent of your efforts. That said, listed here are ten easy yet effective ways to improve your marketing efforts.

use these ten tips to pump up your marketing efforts

  1. Use a company blog – There is no better way to brand yourself or your business than from the consistent use of a company blog. It’s your voice, use it!
  2. Be specific in what you do and offer – Don’t attempt to market all things to all people! Decide what you would like to specialize in and master it.
  3. Highlight benefits, not features – Everyone wants to know what’s in it for them. Don’t bore them with how, let them know why!
  4. Be value driven – Aim to over-deliver on value. You’ll be very glad you did.
  5. Be active in social media – Try to relate with your audience on the social media of your choosing. This is a great approach to build relationships.
  6. Use video – Even if you’re camera-shy, find ways to employ video in your business, as that’s where everybody is at the moment!
  7. Listen to your people – Both your employees along with customers and subscribers.
  8. Use autoresponders – Make your life easier: use autoresponder email sequences to get your newest subscribers up to speed.
  9. Care for your existing customers – It’s several times harder to secure a new customer than to re-sell an existing one. Remember that!
  10. Use calls to action – While this one may be last on the list, it’s very important. Ask for the action! Whether it’s a sale, optin, webinar, or watching a video, make sure you use a call to action, or you may as well not be bothering at all!

Apply all these techniques to your online business. Call us today at 0118 310 0880

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