Over the last few years through all of the search engine updates known collectively as the “Google Zoo” (Pandas, Penguins and so on) most webmasters knew it was just a matter of time before Google would start enforcing the things they were preaching about content. That day is here. With the recent revision of the

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Everyone is always searching for the easy button, yet when it’s shown to us, we often view it and say, “there has to be more to it that that”. Ignoring ways to make positive changes to our businesses because they’re not sexy or the latest shiny new toy, is practically asking for the “Closed” sign

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The power of social media is an amazing thing, until you find yourself on the wrong side of it! The wrong end being, as you can imagine, negative responses to your business, person, or products. If you’ve stepped in it, the right way to do damage control on your reputation management is to take responsibility

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